Friday, July 24, 2015

Reiki Master

The Skill of Being Able to Heal Yourself and Others:  Becoming a Reiki Master

One of them is that to become a tangibly effective practitioner, it takes years upon years before one is able to see even the slightest evidence of effectiveness.  Another is that it is a talent, something that one is born with, and that without this native talent, it is impossible to hone and develop what is not there.  As a practitioner that was once a skeptic, I’ve been able to see, feel, and experience the healing power of Reiki firsthand.  I have undergone my own studies and training and have advanced Reiki mastery degrees, which also include certification for teaching Levels 1 through 3.  I prefer to give my students plenty to practice on their own in order to develop their own person Reiki healing ability, and to be able to see for themselves the healing effect that they can have on themselves and others.  Both of these misconceptions are simply not true.  Perhaps you are curious or simply want to understand something that seems mystical or unbelievable.  Or perhaps you’d like to become a practitioner and don’t know where to start.  In either case, the best way to begin is to go with someone who has mastered the art, in this case, a Reiki master.  Your local Reiki training Los Angeles can be found on the westside and can begin as soon as you decide to take the first step.  Reiki is a skill, not a talent, which means that it can learned, practiced, and mastered.  It is something that anyone can become proficient at, should they be willing to put in the work.  And results of one’s own Reiki practice can be seen after a few short sessions, should the person be serious about his own practice.  Developing

one’s own personal skill to one’s own greatest potential however, can take a lifetime to realize but that is with any true endeavor that one decides to undertake.  There are many misconceptions about the healing art of Reiki, some of which prevent people from ever delving further.  Maybe you’ve already started your training and would like a local Reiki Attunement Los Angeles.  There are different levels of practice, and if you’re looking to begin that first Reiki Level 1 certification Los Angeles, or just for personal edification you’d like to achieve that Reiki Level 1 Los Angeles, there’s never been a better time to start.  Reiki’s method of healing is through understanding and developing positive energy in both a person’s mind and body.  By understanding this first for yourself, and

gaining the proper perspective and mindset, and then having that flushing itself out in practice, you’ll be able to heal yourself, and then begin to apply your healing skill to others.  Things that we cover in my Reiki training sessions include:

What is Reiki?
History of Reiki
Mikao Usui Reiki Principles
Energy Fields of Our Bodies
Energy Meridians
Self-Healing Hand Positions
Reiki Meditations

I am extremely fortunate and excited to be able to share this gift with others, and it is the most satisfying thing to be able to see my students employ their healing abilities for the benefit of others.  If you are in any way interested, feel free to contact me.  What is important is the prescription addiction treatment center.

Reiki Master of Los Angeles

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